Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Falun Gong
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Friday, August 08, 2008 sounds at Great Lawn in Millennium Park, Chicago
Date: Monday, August 11th, 2008
Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Park location: Great Lawn in Millennium Park, Chicago
Lounge on the Great Lawn and soak up sounds from the Jay Pritzker Pavilion's one-of-a-kind sound system. Bring a picnic, games, friends, and family to play, chat, stretch, eat and drink. Electronic music artists, local record label heads, music historians, expert DJs, record store impresarios, and a few surprise guests provide the sonic backdrop.
This week featuring:
This is Not a Test: The Chicago Sound Experience
Listen to a selection of recorded sound art from local, national and international sound artist recordings on the Great Lawn's state-of-the-art sound system. These field recordings, experimental works and abstract compositions will investigate time, place and space in the city of Chicago and beyond.
A List of Included Artists and Works Below:
Start Time: 6:05 PM
Title: ‘Vritti’
Artist: Jen-Kuang Chang: Lincoln, NE
Length: 3:39 Minutes
Vritti is a sonic poem depicting the fluctuation of human conscious during the meditative state. This piece uses both computer-generated sound sources and sampled files sourced from acoustic instruments and field recordings.
Start Time: 6:08:41 PM
Title: ‘Shikaakwa’
By: David Schmüdde: Chicago, IL
Length: 3:20 Minutes
Lake Michigan and the Native-American word Chicago are two of my favorite urban Midwest sounds. In this rendition, the hypnotic, mechanical repetition of the raw syllables roll forward like the relentless growth and progression of the city itself. As quickly as these build, they are even more apt to disintegrate into the washing shore. All residents of Chicago know the instant reprieve that the crashing waves provide when they face east and allow the temporal nature of the city to be drown out by the endless ebb and flow of Lake Michigan.
Start Time: 6:12:03 PM
Title: ‘Lone Construction Cry’
Artist: Peter Cusack: London, UK
Length: 4:27 Minutes
Field recording of central Chicago - recorded from a downtown 16th floor window on Saturday the 24the of July 2004.
Start Time: 6:16:32 PM
Title: ‘The Ambient Wasp’
By: Krispen Hartung: Boise, ID
Length: 5:11 Minutes
A captured a wasp in its nest before winter hibernation. In a small ceramic jar, free breathing and frustrated, this creature’s fury was recorded and processed.
Start Time: 06:21:45 PM
Title: ‘Lake Station”
Artist: Teresa Gale: Chicago, IL
Length: 1:10 Minutes
‘Your Favorite Chicago Sounds” project: CTA riders file through turnstiles at the Red Line "Lake" station, amidst ongoing repairs and renovation.
Start Time: 6:22:57 PM
Title: ‘True Crime’
Artist: Thomas Park / Mystified: Saint Louis, MO
Length: 4:46 Minutes
"True Crime" is a darkly funny sample collage hearkening back to the days of Prohibition in Chicago.
Start Time: 6:27:45 PM
Title: “Taste and See”
Artist: Peter Joseph: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Length: 5:24 Minutes
The church and parish of St. Michael's on the near north side date from before the time of the Chicago fire. In the fall of 2005 I returned to the church where I sang in the 7th grade choir some 35 years later. I had always remembered or automatically heard with in my head and body simultaneously the rich, moving sound or the cathedral. I came to appreciate the place, inside as one huge noisemaker and container for its unique signature sound. Of particular interest is the old pipe organ, the sound of the bell choir, voice, the volume of space revealed in these sounds. These are composed of field recordings made between Sept and Dec 2005
Start Time: 6:33:11 PM
Title: ‘A Spoon Full of Sugar”
Artist: Teresa Gale: Chicago, IL
Length: 2:04 Minutes
Your Favorite Chicago Sounds project: a holiday window display at the State Street Macy's features audio by Mary Poppins with a playful accompaniment by a Salvation Army volunteer.
Start Time: 6:35:17 PM
Title: ‘Grant Park’
Artist Name: Jennifer Swann: Chicago, IL
Length: 2:20 Minutes
"Grant Park" is a text-based audio work by Chicago artist Jennifer Swann. In the piece, Swann reflects on Chicago through her experiences watching the seasons change over the last year in downtown's Grant Park. The audio piece recalls sensory imagery of the music and lights that offer a peaceful escape from the noise and bustle of State Street.
Start Time: 6:37:39 PM
Title: ‘The Astrolabe’
Artist: Eleazar Garzon: Argentina
Length: 10:07 Minutes
“The Astrolabe of Eleazar” is an acousmatic composition finished in September 2007. It was made with sounds produced by cross synthesis and samples of orchestral-alike sounds transformed by filters, granular synthesis and Ocarina-alike sound played by the composer.
Start Time: 6:47:48 PM
Title: ‘Dying Underground’
Artist: Alfonso Carrasco Martz: Spain
Length: 6: 28 Minutes
In today's society, individualism produces sounds related to different situations. I try to translate these sentiments in this piece: the accelerated pace of the cities, indifference, loneliness and death. The utopian ideas fade in our time. The media shows conflicts around the world every day, and we are so used to this barbarity that we have learned to ignore it.
Start Time: 6:54:18 PM
Title: ‘Kira’s Murder’
Artist: Margaret Noble: San Diego, CA
Length: 3:11 Minutes
On June 26th of 2007, Kira Simonian, a beautiful and talented Chicago artist, student and friend was brutally murdered. One year later it was revealed that the murderer was her husband. This piece is a direct response to the shock and brutality of this crime. It is a textural piece generated from analogue synthesizers and the only recording I have of her voice.
Start Time: 7:00:00 PM
Title: ‘Untitled #209’
Artist: Francisco Lopez: San Francisco, CA
Length: 8:54 Minutes
Start Time: 7:08:56 PM
Title: ‘Chicago_Street_Performers Episode’
Artist: Peter of Noise Inc: Poland
Length: 11:48 Minutes
Various Chicago street performances captured in March 2008 as field recordings. It is my sound vision of Chicago's downtown, it is the way I hear and feel this amazing and beautiful city.
Start Time: 7:20:46 PM
Title: ‘Boarding Pass’
Artist: David Fodel: Colorado
Length: 2:41 Minutes
Between 2005 and 2007, I traveled back and forth to Chicago as part of my work. Along the way, I recorded hundreds of small cell-phone movies of the process of getting on and off commercial airplanes. I utilized these cell-phone sound bits with DASP processing to create this recorded work.
Start Time: 7:23:29 PM
Title: ‘To the Water’
Artist: Noleian Reusse: Chicago, IL
Length: 6:10 Minutes
Lake Michigan is Chicago's saving grace. The skyline couldn't be as dramatic and well formed if it wasn't guided by the shoreline. ‘To the Waves’ is an interpretive documentation of traveling through the city to get to the lake.
Start Time: 7:29:41 PM
Title: ‘CHI-TAPE, Excerpt 1’
Artist Name: Meri von KleinSmid: Vancouver, Canada
Length: 8:34 MInutes
CHI-TAPE is an experimental music composition created in Chicago, Illinois in 1992 — with only one cassette tape and one tape recorder-radio unit. This is not a love letter to Chicago, but a sprawling sonic megalopolis of religious testimonials, advertising jingles, gospel music, public service announcements, fractured language, and popular songs from Chicagoland area radio, all corrupted by some of the thinnest, cheapest cassette tape stock in the world.
Start Time: 07:38:17 PM
Title: ‘Jumping Over Koons’
By: Rory Shackles/Idle Production: Chicago, IL
Length: 7:21 Minutes
This piece is composed of two recordings. The first, a field recording taken at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago during the Jeff Koons exhibition, and the second, a live recording of a skipping compact disc player.
Start Time: 7:45:36 PM
Title: ‘Free Sound’
Artist: Alfonso Carrasco Martz: Spain
Length: 5:28 Minutes
"Free Sound" experiences on sound art and electronic music. Playing with a simple tonal theme and field recordings made in Barcelona, I try to find similarities and differences in the artistic discourse through the game between both sound art and electronic music. The abstract language of music and sound art make "Free sound" reaffirm the tool of these two artistic areas, through recordings, digital synthesis and instrumental. Through these tools I create a composition to ask myself what sound art and music mean for our society.
Start Time: 7:51:06 PM
Title: ‘Chicago Downtown Train Episode’
Artist: Peter of Noise Inc: Poland
Length: 13:53 Minutes
On the train and in the buildings of Chicago and processed with gleetchlab, this work is a 100% live performance. Thanks to the preacher, drummer and blues singer I met on this occasion.
Start Time: 8:07:00 PM
Title: ‘Lovely Banalities’
Artist: Gintas K: Lithuania
Length: 2:26 Minutes
Music you will hear often is described as microsound or noise, but my purpose is not to create within the frames of these styles. My primary interest is studying the physical effects of sound on the human psyche. For this study, I utilize sine waves, digital sounds, expressive synthesized tones, noises and complex rhythmical structures.
Start Time: 8:09:28 PM
Title: ‘CHI-TAPE, Excerpt 2’
Artist Name: Meri von KleinSmid: Vancouver, Canada
Length: 6:17 Minutes
CHI-TAPE is an experimental music composition created in Chicago, Illinois in 1992 — with only one cassette tape and one tape recorder-radio unit. This is not a love letter to Chicago, but a sprawling sonic megalopolis of religious testimonials, advertising jingles, gospel music, public service announcements, fractured language, and popular songs from Chicagoland area radio, all corrupted by some of the thinnest, cheapest cassette tape stock in the world.
Start Time: 8:15:47 PM
Title: ‘Topography of Darkness’
Artist: Martin Bedard: Montreal, Canada
Length: 3:57 MInutes
This work is inspired by the principal character of the novel, Notes of a Night Watchman by Alexandre Zinoviev, The night watchman in an unreal round in the full heart of darkness where guided by a dark light and the echo of his steps, all could see the interior of each one of these transfigured places.
Start Time: 8:19:46 PM
Title: ‘Anechoic Pulse’
Artist: A. Kokoras: Greece
Length: 9:44 Minutes
This sound material, not easily recognized most of the time, undergoes a rather simple transformation in terms of sound processing using editing tools such as hard-limiting, maximizers, cut-n-paste, dynamic envelope changes, time stretches, and binaural specialization. The piece ends with a pulse drone created with tiny strokes of a metallic stick on a 19-inch timpani.
Start Time: 8:29:32 PM
Title: ‘106th Street Bridge’
Artist: Joshua Manchester: Chicago, IL
Length: 8:20 Minutes
The industries that once reigned supreme in South Chicago have left some monumental scars on the area, from a swamp filled in with slag, crossed by power and rail lines, and called a park to massive, quarter-mile walls that used to contain coal. Standing on the 106th Street Bridge, you gain a glimmer of that old Chicago.
Start Time: 8:37:54 PM
Title: ‘Sra’
Artist: François Dumeaux: France
Length: 5:20 Minutes
Pièce composée à la demande d'Annette Vande Gorne, pour le concert - anniversaire des 80 ans de Bernard Parmegiani, festival L'Espace du Son, Bruxelles.
Start Time: 8:43:16 PM
Title: ‘Bastet’
Artist: Elsa Justel: France
Length: 10:48 Minutes
Bastet, inspired by the Egyptian cat-goddess, was commissioned by Aprem-Nevers. The piece starts in the interior regions of the piano. Bewildered by these unfamiliar surroundings, she tries to escape whilst scratching the strings. This work explores the meaning of ambiguity, instability and chance.
Start Time: 8:54:06 PM
Title: ‘Leaving Chicago’
Artist: Thomas Park / Mystified: Saint Louis, MO
Length: 5:10 Minutes
This is a short work, abstract / ambient, based on my experience of visiting Chicago, then leaving the city by train. Chicago is a kind of dream city to me, being a place with incredible scenery. Architecture, culture, and excitement. After a recent visit, I tried to capture the sadness I felt when leaving this great city by train.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

mysle ze byla gdzina 10 rano. rozmawialem z MdotStrange na temat krotkometrazowego filmu ktory zaczynamy realizowac. stalem na balkonie swojego mieszkania w L.A. kiedy zatrzesla sie ziemia. uczucie bylo tak surrealistyczne ze nie wiedzialem co sie dziaje. wszystko do okola trzeslo sie coraz mocniej...wbieglem do mieszkania i naprawde nie wiedzialem czy bezpieczniej jest pod stolem, w lazience czy pod sciana. zanim zdecydowalem ktora opcja ratuje zycie nastapila cisza. trzy sekundy odjazdu i konfrontacji z sila natury tak potezna ze jako czlowiek czujesz sie absolutnie bezsilny, maly i kruchy. kiedy nastal spokoj spakowalem kompa i wyszedlem na zewnatrz. wolalem byc wszedzie tylko nie w czterech scianach. spedzilem 4 godziny w pobliskiej knajpce libanskiej myslac o tym ze totalna masakra byla blisko. sila wstrzasu obliczona zostala na 5.8 . Ci ktorzy przezyli trzesienie ziemi w L.A. w 1994 twierdza ze to bardzo blisko sily zywiolu ktory staje sie smiertelny i totalnie niszczacy.
To miasto jest doskonale przygotowane na trzesienia ziemi. wiekszosc budynkow w tym ten w ktorym mieszkam stoi na poteznych ruchomych plozach ktore ppozwalaja im przesuwac sie i wzmacniaja elastycznosc. kto wie moze w miejscu innym niz L.A. sila 5.8 bylaby zabojcza.
dziwny dzien. jako nieliczny przezylem swoje pierwsze trzesienie ziemi. wiekszosc mieszkancow miasta miala stycznosc z mniejszymi wstrzasami wiec na nich robi to pewnie mniejsze wrazenie . ja do tej pory czuje ziemie ruszajaco sie pod moimi nogami.
ciekawe jak odczuwaja to ludzie mieszkajacy w domach zbudowanych na wzgorzach L.A. potezna ilosc tych domow opiera sie jedna strona o gore, a cala reszta stoi na specjalnych podporach. znajomy ktory mieszka w takim domu twierdzi ze sa bardzo bezpieczne ze wzgledu na elastycznosc wszystkich elementow i fakt ze calosc konstrukcji jest z drewna.
paradoksem jest oczekiwanie mieszkancow L.A. na gigantyczne topniecie plyt tektonicznych ktore jak glosi wujek Meynard ma zmiesc z powierzchni kto wie moze i caly stan. z takim podejsciem spotkalem sie pierwszy raz.
zyje i ciesze sie ze tak jest. moge wrocic do misji X.
poznalem ostatnio fascynujaca osobe. Steve Duda - producent, muzyk, programista. sadze ze zaprzyjaznilismy sie od pierwszego spotkania. zadko sie zdarza 12 godzin rozmowy non stop z kims kogo spotykasz pierwszy raz w zyciu. ten facet ma totalnie przytlaczajaca wiedze z zakresu dzwieku, programowania, produkcji. kiedy polaczy sie to z rewolucyjnym/ raczej rebelianckim/ podejsciem do zycia, sztuki i interesow to rysuje sie naprawde wyjatkowa postac. nie znam innych producentow ktorzy nie tylko uzywaja sprawnie prawie kazdego sprzetu , ale sami tworza wlasne pluginy i instrumenty.
meta music - tworzenie muzyki bez napisania ani jednego dzwieku. piszesz kod instrumentu, rzucasz go w siec, a muzyka ktora powstaje w wyniku pracy uzytkownikow twojego programu to wlasnie meta music. wyrafinowane ksztaltowanie calych trendow muzycznych. trip.
jezeli bede wybieral producenta lub co-producenta nowej plyty Sweet Noise/ ktora powstanie jezeli tylko nie stanie mi na przeszkodzie katastrofa naturalna. wszystkie inne przeszkody pokonam/ to Steve bedzie moim typem nr.1
przedziwne. poznalismy sie dosc dawno temu kiedy kupilem od niego w necie plugin Lucifer / warto kupowac oryginaly yo /. pomagal mi w przypadku kazdej watpliwosci i teraz wreszcie mozemy pogadac o muzie i zyciu. jego instrument zainspirowal powstanie utworu Lucifer You Left Me To Die legendarnej grupy Noise Inc.
MdotStrange zaprosil mnie do pracy przy projekcie Face . bedzie to krotka forma filmowa. po obejrzeniu pierwszych zdjec nazwalem ten styl digital Lynch. szykuje sie dobra jazda.
ide spac z nadzieja ze nastepny wstrzas bedzie za nie mniej niz 14 lat.
it's been 14 years of silence, it's been 14 years of pain, it's been 14 years that I lost forever and I'll never have again
Sunday, July 13, 2008
up the hills

so the week is over almost. decided to repair my macbookpro myself and replace those fucked up fans. full success. took the machine apart and... was surprised with a mix of high technology and primitive cable mess I found inside. after all it was not as hard as some people say it would be. after using this machines for quite some time i can get to the insides and find my way out.
moving up the hills tonight to stay at my friends house while he's playing some dates in US . will spend some quality time in silent environment close to the nature where you can hear howling coyote and look a deer in his eyes. will be taking care of a very special guy called Milton.
want to explore my monome this week and write some music . hope I'll get some new vibes while away from the city. wait for some pictures. the place is magical...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Sweet Noise "The L.A. Rebellion"

Yo! rapapampam Rasta na promote nonastyness
All Rastaman uno better eh!
Rapapampam Rasta na promote no badness
All artist uno better rise to the top
Bambam Rasta na promote no nastyness
All politicians uno better step one side
Bambam rudeboy na promote no badness
All artist uno better rise to the top
my home is where I sleep
put the head on a bed put it on the bricks son
down down with the dirt the under dog without a shelter
I'm standing out there in the fire
I feed my love my hope, desire (oh)
still alive after all these years
seek the cancer in my head
I spit in eyes of the killers and liars
political whores
I can't deny it no
hate kills and pushes me ahead
need a blessing to aim at their heads now
I need your love to keep on fighting
to stay alive and breath
I need your love to keep on breathing
just keep on breathing
breath for me
what an angry son
tell'em motherfucker when it all began
hard case when we stand against
broken flowers with the bullets in their heads now
blind millions scream and yell
dirty motherfuckers that rule this game
look down at this fucking world where
people got mad and there is no god
no land no promised land
cheap thrills and stinking hands
eyes blue, what happend to you
who shot you down baby
I need your love to keep on fighting
to stay alive and breath
I need your love to keep on breathing
just keep on breathing
breath for me
to keep on fighting
to keep on breathing
when you leave I'm broken and bleeding
heart can't stop and wounds still bleeding
where did you go
did you know
I accept myself with this chaos burning in my head
cherish beauty kiss my anger
shelter weakness feed the hunger
of my senses inner world traces
take me to thos childhood places
I'm your son on his own
feel your wounds and mean no harm
don't ask me when it all began
endless painful bloody run
give it all
share it all with people I love
I'll fight this fight for you
I'll fight and die for you
I'll cross the line for you
Stand on the edge for you
I'll drown in tears for you
I'll fight my fears and stand by you
some justice
give'em some justice
power to the people
and give'em some justice
Consciousness musically uno get that yes man trust we
a bomboklat dead uno try fe test we
Pon the earth breath brings wealth
Death brings birth and birth leads to death
So use your breath and maths fe your wealth
From north Sweet Noise ina the south x2
There pon the street raise up uno feast
We take it from the west and fix ina east
Some times life is like a beast
So listen to me now consciousness pon me lips
Ah we na ease revolution pon least
So inhale you coulda have a meal
InI fight na hide ina the kist
Under the sun there's love ina the the mist
Oxygen ina yor lungs now ina your lungs
Ah we na fraid fe the pounds now fe the pounds
Good use pon your funds now pon your pounds
Poor youth never be thugs now never be thugs
Yes I yes I don't know yes I yes I yes I don't you know yes I
It's consciousness every time seen!
for bothers in Poland- not a remix. did not give away any tracks. if so you would be informed in first order. best vibes and much respect and love. "dzisiaj mnie kochasz jutro nienawidzisz" to piekny numer. pomyslec ze pomysl zainicjowal G. rumors bloody rumors ...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
my window view

5 in the morning. looking out for inspiration. taking my time to focus, slow down, rearrange and master the new way. everyday brings me closer but the process can be called draining if approached in a wrong way. everything that won't fit into the image should be separated. this is the only way to learn what is there at the end of these passage . stronger after talking to the loved ones. it surely is a fight zone. fight with time, fear and routines. slow and silent moments.