Sunday, September 23, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
amazing. it's been their first time in poland and people responded
really well. it's hard to remain emotionless after their gig.
passionate and true art.
did a performance with Paul and Kostek, something we were
planning back in africa. feel it might be a beginning of some serious
project. we played for 40 minutes and it was totally out of control
but I like it this way. it's a journey that takes you to unknown .
it's more like something we do for ourselves rather than calculating
wether people are going to dig it or not. it's fresh. soon I'd start
implementing visuals into this noisy trips.
met people from Sweet Noise forum. warm and special as always it was
good to see them enjoy the performance of one of my guests from The
Triptic album . the idea of bringing artists together is finally
working on international level . yeah.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
stay alive
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
black leather boots
am I loosing you or just loosing myself
out in the dark the site of my fate
falling walls
smashed up bones
brother kills brother
and gold is gold
betrayed you
like they betrayed me
they fucked my love and tried to fuck me
pearls sink in greed and lust
flowers die fast
and I see my people wasted
people tired of being tested
people die somewhere molested
used to feed the rich and nasty
black leather boots
kickin' peace right in the teeth
they're killing my baby
here's the priest
suckin' the boy
starting up war
blessing the bombs on the top of the world
somebody's waiting for you
he's breathing war
smoking up war
like fuckin a whore
just playing a role
he's stealing your child
raping your mind
he's blowing your life to pieces
all of your stars will be falling down one day
all of your stars will be falling down some day
some day
I'll be far away
one day
I'll be on my way
I'll be missing you
one day
I'll be out there for you
for you
I'll be missing you
for you
I'll be out there
I need your hands in this one
I need your hands this time
against corruption and lies
mass destruction and mental slavery
I need your hands against discriminating nations
discriminating people
discriminating our right to live in love and peace
wasted and I see my people wasted people tired of being tasted people
die somewhere molested
I need your hands this time
I need you...
people wasted
people tired of being tested
people die somewhere molested
used to feed the rich and nasty
black leather boots
kickin' peace right in the teeth
they're killing my baby
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
sweet noise vs teraz rock
oto adres pod ktorym umiescilem swoj komentarz w sprawie wywiadu ze Sweet Noise, a raczej jego braku w jedynym rockowym pismie jakim chce byc pismo Teraz Rock.
wywiadu w tym pismie nie przeczytacie z prostego powodu. szefowie tego miesiecznika nie zgodzili sie uhonorowac i zaznaczyc wyjatkowosci projektu The Triptic okladka. tego domagalismy sie dla tej plyty wychodzac z zalozenia ze jest to calkowicie pionierskie i bardzo wazne dzialanie na polskiej scenie muzycznej. tego typu rzeczy sprawiaja ze przesuwaja sie do przodu granice tego co mozna osiagnac w kwestii laczenia kultur, gatunkow muzycznych, ludzi i krajow lezacych od siebie tysiace kilometrow. w zamian proponowalismy bardzo ciekawa rozmowe w tym rowniez z muzykami i producentami z RPA. sprawa spotkala sie z totalnym brakiem zrozumienia naczelnego pisma Teraz Rock. wyglada na to ze projekt Sweet Noise The Triptic to dla tego pisma wydarzenie zbyt malego formatu aby zaslugiwalo na zaszczyt jakim jest okladka . ot nastepna rockowa plytka...
boli mnie to ze najwyrazniej w tym wszystkim nie chodzi w zupelnosci o sztuke. tutaj chodzi o pieniadze, wyjazdy zagraniczne i listy sprzedazy. mozesz walic glowa w mur, przeniesc Kilimandzaro i nic z tego nie wyniknie jezeli nie jestes w grze. moze gdyby dolozyc do rozmowy bilet w dwie strony do Cape Town...
dla tych ludzi jest cos za cos, a nie cos dla czytelnika i artysty. shame...
The Triptic to dla artystow w afryce wielki i wazny projekt. dla wielu fanow Sweet Noise jedna z naszych najlepszych plyt. to sa powodu dla ktorych wymagamy specjalnego potraktowania tego albumu.
to jest jednak rola dla odwaznych mediow. takich ktore chca cos zmieniac, kreowac i miec otwarte oczy na zycie i sztuke. dla tych ktorzy jedna noga nadal tkwia w PRL'u ta rola jest zbyt trudna. wymaga zmian i rewolucji, a na to malo kto w Polsce ma ochote. lepiej kroczyc bezpieczna droga ktora gwarantuje profity i brak rydzyka.
to nie jest pierwszy raz gdy panowie na gorze zaspali, w swoim samouwielbieniu i zadufaniu przeoczyli cos waznego, wykazali sie brakiem wyobrazni.
roznica jest taka ze tym razem artysta cham zazadal czegos w zamian za towar ktory sprzedaja. gazeta muzyczna sprzedaje sie dlatego ze sa w niej rozmowy z muzykami, lata naszej pracy i ciaglej walki o przetrwanie wiec :
" double talkin' jive get the money from the fucker 'cos i got no more patience. double talkin' liar. no more patience punk. you dig what I'm saying...? "
panie Wislawie jeden z nas odwalil w tym przypadku kompletna wioske.
pytanie kto...
G or W fuck BMW.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
In the name/11 september

Lyrics for the first song that was written for Sweet Noise The Triptic album. when Vahan Bego heard the track he told me that it sounded like a triptic for him. that was the beginning of almost three years of hard work. the effect is 80 minutes of music. 15 songs.
in this one Teba from Cape Town city is joining me with his vibes and message making it a " serious business ". yes big respect for my brother.
today my thoughts go to 11th September. this tragedy is a part of this song. it is a part of my life, a fact that is still too painful to accept. that day I felt as my world was dying, changing and entering a new phase. those explosions were raping me personally, leaving scars that will never heal.
The Triptic is dedicated to all the victims of war, their relatives and close ones.
I still believe that through art we can change the world. it's all about being conscious and aware. then comes the reaction, revolution and change. try to keep my eyes open even when it hurts.
Intro: A music revolution taking place!yes man this is Teba straight outa Afrika cape Town city there bout ya along side Sweet Noise ya ear me yes man a serious business we ya deal wit musically ya ear me yes man watch we now style ita gwaan so ey world people 6 million ways to die we ya chose non of them why babylon them have fe fall Sweet noise and Teba na go cry!
I dig this dirt for a woman and man
I dig this dirt for a silent blame
and the lost name
the lost soul
who's above you
no one just an empty money can
dropping bombs on my fellow men
and a screaming child
the old man stands
singing songs
of a freedom in the name
in the name
in the name of a man
In the name
in the name of my men
U.N.I.T.Y is fe unity
But wicked man thema killing community
fugitives running
true rebel dying
they slaughter beauty
and the street still not crying-no
I see the president
spit on the holly graves
nations blind following
the dead trace
saw a child being trained to be a killer man
tears in eyes
guns in the little hands
missing brother
grave of his father
empty eyes what you've done to his mother
in the name
in the name of a man
In the name
in the name of my men
Hey homosepiens hey human species
Have fe stop this war ita go break we to to pieces
Tired fe see the youth wit wolipa stichies
Babylon suck we blood just lke stichies
I gave this little moment to my self
this precious little moment just to myself
And I drop this angry burning words
on a red doted line
guess who is lonely
guess who is lonely
I'll dig this dirt for the woman and a man
for the love and pain, and a killing will
not that fucked up dirty, will to kill
do you know what I mean?
you know...
their exploding cars
their waiting bombs
the bleeding land
the eyes that hate
I saw man kill in the name of god
so high above
my world was crying
screaming child
screaming for the lie
the exploding gun
tears my beauty open
scream for me
my child
scream for me
my freedom
in the name in the name of my man
in the name in the name of my man
I demand freedom in the name
of my dignity
respect, respect, respect me
scream for me
my screaming child
scream for me
and I'll tear this world apart for you
my child...